I’ve just issued myself a WittyCulus Wordle Challenge for Wordle 2!
Gonna start guessing using the answer of the very first game; and the solution to the current puzzle will seed the next…
Until I reach the 210th game, which will mean I’m all caught up with playing past Wordle games.

Answer to Wordle 2: SISSY
Number of guesses*: X (failed to complete in 6!)
*in WittyCulus Challenge Mode
Progression of clues:
- 0
- 0 + 1
- 0 + 2
- 3
- 3
- 4
Played on Feb 8th 2022 via Wordle Archive
Step-by-Step Replay of Wordle 2 Puzzle
Guess #1
In goes REBUT, the answer to Wordle puzzle #1.
Guess #2
Out comes… nothing! Lol. Did I just waste 1 try? Onward with the challenge, that’s the WittyCulus spirit, man 🙂 Let’s go with VALID to test vowels.
Guess #3
Looking like O has gotta be in there. I’m thinking SPOIL, but L has already been discarded. ONION should be unlikely — that’s 2 pairs of same letters! How about COINS?
Guess #4
Nothing too obvious yet, except that I is highly unlikely at the back! (Not overthinking this, actually.) I see it could be FISHY 🙂
Guess #5
Aw, that ain’t it! WISPY then.
Guess #6
Still not it? We are down to KISSY, MISSY, SISSY at this last move. Wish me luck with MISSY, pretty please.

Epic fail!
I’m shocked that the answer to Wordle 2 is SISSY, with three S’s!
Darn, I wasn’t testing for letters properly after guess #4 — fast elimination is key to solving Wordle sooner; and I actually knew that!
So, I ran out of tries 🙁
And that is the shortest ever win streak in Wordle history, namely 1GAME. Sad, yet a bit amused at the outcome. (Is there an emoji for that?)
Still, my personal Wordle challenge will go on as planned — Wordle 3 shall begin with SISSY lol.