My WittyCulus Wordle Challenge, which was initiated in the game prior to this, continues with Wordle 3.
Let’s see how it affects Wordle gameplay by forcing the first guess…

Answer to Wordle 3: HUMPH
Number of guesses*: 6
*in WittyCulus Challenge Mode
Progression of clues:
- 0
- 0
- 0 + 2
- 2 + 1
- 4
- 5
Played on Feb 8th 2022 via Wordle Archive
Step-by-Step Replay of Wordle 3 Puzzle
Guess #1
What gives with SISSY?
Guess #2
Zilch, that’s what! Now I have a 5-move game lol. RATED is my next guess.
Guess #3
Nothing again? Wow! O and U left for vowels, so how about GHOUL?
Guess #4
Hmm… Wordle likes words with a single vowel, like in the last game? We can rule out words beginning with CH, PH, WH. If H were in front, then U must follow… but I suddenly see PUNCH, so am going for that. Lol 🙂

Guess #5
I’m stumped here. I see an M in there, but what word can fit the _UP_H or _U_PH pattern? _UMPH is most likely, but I dunno. Oops, I entered BUMPH and Wordle took it! What does that word mean? (Google says this is a Brit word, same as “bumf”… ah, so “f” and “ph” sounding the same here?)
Guess #6
I’ve got F, H, J, K, M, U, V, W left to try as the first letter; Q is definitely out, X and Z don’t look it. What should I do? Lemme lay this out to stare at: fumf – humf – jumf – kumf – mumf – uumf – vumf – wumf. Covering the F at the end, we have fumf, humf, mumf and vumf looking like candidates. My instinct says to test the U — luckily the “word” wasn’t accepted lol. My next guess is VUMPH; still a non-word. How about M? Yet another negative! Going to do the H next…
And most fortunately, the solution for Wordle 3 was found in HUMPH.
This has been a wacky round with wild guessing during that last move! The WittyCulus idea of starting each game with the previous puzzle answer makes for tough (and handicapped!) play, I must say.
Still, I will push on with the challenge… until my head cracks lol 🙂
Incidentally, “humph” means a snorting sound which expresses doubt, dissatisfaction or disapproval.

So humph! My Wordle Challenge gameplay surely can be better; needs a strategy to overcome limitations of fixed initial guesses! 🙂