I plan to stick with testing… and it’s gonna get serious from Wordle 7 on.
But I will not harp on that topic much longer. Don’t want to sound like a broken record 🙂

Answer to Wordle 7: EVADE
Number of guesses*: 5
*in WittyCulus Challenge Mode
Progression of clues:
- 0 + 1
- 0 + 3
- 0 + 1
- 1
- 5
Played on Feb 9th 2022 via Wordle Archive
Step-by-Step Replay of Wordle 7 Puzzle
Guess #1
The first guess for today’s puzzle has been fixed as FOCAL.
Guess #2
A lone A shows up, but at the wrong place. ADIEU has the remaining vowels to try weeding out, so let’s go.
Guess #3
Now we’ve got 3 letters revealed; but A is still floating. R, S, T, N are the next letters to test, thus RENTS will do just fine. Incidentally, GRADE came to mind while pondering words ending with ADE.

Guess #4
Wow, no shows for those 4 common letters! I can see BADGE as a strong possibility, but MADGE might get in the way. I believe there is such a word as PADGE too. And I know just what to do — test! 🙂 Trying GRAMP…
Guess #5
Holy cow! Only managed to lock the A with move #4? But that’s ok, it is all crystal clear now — I’m seeing EVADE as the answer!
It pays to test, really; not guess anyhowly (that’s a Singlish word, btw lol).
For I should know 🙂