Answer to Wordle 234: FRAME
Number of guesses: 4
Progression of clues:
- 0 + 1
- 0 + 2
- 1 + 3
- 5
Step-by-Step Replay of Wordle 234 Puzzle
Guess #1
Tonight, I’ll start the game with TODAY 🙂
Guess #2
Ok, the answer has an A at the least. Let me do PLIER to see how many more hits…
Guess #3
Not too shabby, Wordle is showing me 2 more letters. I’m thinking of CREAM somehow lol.
Guess #4
Wow, now we know 4 of those 5 letters in Wordle 234 😉 I should have seen that my guess didn’t test the A in another slot! Nevertheless, with the R locked, the word most likely ends with AME. And so we have FRAME, which should do it.

Ha ha, as expected lol.
Easy does it — today’s puzzle is solved without resorting to use of particular stellar words to start Wordle with! Just the simple idea of testing at least 2 vowels.
All done with plenty of fun, without sacrificing challenge 🙂