Hang on, what have a time machine and Michael J. Fox’s “Back To The Future” movie series got to do with Wordle?

If you’ve watched any part of that movie trilogy, you will know what I’m hinting of.

Today is February 4th 2022 and we are at Wordle puzzle #230.

Google tells me that Wordle 1 would have debutted on June 20th 2021, when I entered “229 days ago” into the Chrome browser for a quick check.

But this phenomenally successful word guessing game wasn’t officially released to the public until late October last year, so says wikipedia on Wordle.

Date of Wordle 1 puzzle some 229 days ago
If Wordle 1 were available to the public, this would have been the day it came out…

So Many Missed Wordle Puzzles, We Really Need to Get to Them Somehow!

Even for those who were fortunate to have begun “Wordle-ing” on that certain October day, we are looking at puzzle #130 thereabouts. Many many past Wordle puzzles have been missed out, still!

As for me, Wordle 211 was my first game as seen in my maiden Wordle post. That’s a grand total of 210 games not played; puzzles not solved by me lol.

Or some 30 weeks worth of daily brain exercise to do there!

Being so enamored of Wordle, I am certainly keen to turn back the clock to play that very first puzzle. Plus all the games right up till last October at least… wouldn’t you want the same?

Heck yes! Absolutely, I hear 🙂

But we do need to find a way to time travel — we need a digital time machine of sorts!

Is There a Time Machine to Allow Playing Older Wordle Puzzles?

Apparently, yes.

And the need to have such is recently heightened by fear that free Wordle play might be over soon. You might already know that the game got sold to NYT; and this big corp could have other plans.

Luckily, quite a few great minds out there have figured out ways to do a “time shift”. This essentially “tricks” Wordle to think it’s running on a different day (other than today).

I shall leave it to you to search for the available options and pick the one you fancy.

Meanwhile, I believe I have found the easiest way out with the Wordle Archive site.

How the Wordle player looks like on Wordle Archive
Notice the “time machine controls” up at the top of the grid? So neat and easy to use!
Short description on how to play plus dev credits
All thanks to Devang Thakkar’s dedication, ardent Wordle fans can now really go all out!

This is a non-techie approach — there’s no need to install bookmarklets, copy and paste code, etc.

Just focus on what you really love: playing Wordle 🙂

So, have fun! I know I’m gonna do!

Don’t Overstay! Remember to Come Back to the Present, erm, Future

Lest you forget, there is still the everyday Wordle quest to pursue once midnight strikes. (Or at whatever time within the same day you so please.)

And that life actually happens in the present.

So don’t be too engrossed with the past, just take your sweet time to play former Wordle games a few at a go.

When you finally transit to the now for the daily Wordle fix, you will indeed have gone back to the “future”. Which is, relative to that past the Archive has led you to — mind-boggling stuff this time travel thingy, just don’t overthink it lol.

Hardcore Wordle fans can now rejoice 🙂 We got the various time machines to thank for that!

Note: Any gameplay on Wordle 1 through 210 that I post will use screen captures from the Wordle Archive, which will look different from the original game. Not an issue at all, just alerting you to expect something slightly different yet very familiar.