I’m back in the game with Wordle 242 🙂
Can’t believe that I actually forgot to play game #241 yesterday 🙁 Luckily, Wordle Archive allows me a chance to go at it, albeit the result won’t be included in my Wordle proper stats.
Must stay alert and not miss another live game!

Answer to Wordle 242: AROMA
Number of guesses: 4
Progression of clues:
- 1 + 1
- 1 + 1
- 3
- 5
Step-by-Step Replay of Wordle 242 Puzzle
Guess #1
TRIAL and (correcting the) error is how I like to begin each Wordle — just go with what I feel, no need for power words 🙂
Guess #2
Not thinking too much, just doing what GRABS me lol.
Guess #3
Serious now, as the A is signalling something crucial: it’s likely to start the hidden word and possibly end it as well! Let’s check the E with ARENA.
Guess #4
With the trailing A revealed, it has to be AROMA 🙂

Ha, no fuss there getting to the answer.
Just improving at each step; though guess #2 can be called into question about its quality lol.
I should now go visit Wordle 241 to play it as a previous puzzle on the Archive.