Wordle 240 falls on Valentine’s Day — today is the 14th of February.
Especially for word puzzle fans who are truly in love with Wordle, this day may indeed be a special one lol.
Today’s game is not one of luck but skill, I dare say. If you pay attention to the little hints provided by your guesses, it ain’t no surprise if the puzzle is solved early 🙂

Answer to Wordle 240: CYNIC
Number of guesses: 3
Progression of clues:
- 0
- 1 + 1
- 5
Step-by-Step Replay of Wordle 240 Puzzle
Guess #1
It’s Valentine’s Day today, so LOVE’S in the air… everywhere 😉
Guess #2
Wordle says not! Let me sort out my TRAIN of thought then…
Guess #3
Hmm… an I in the 4th letter position plus an N not in last slot but elsewhere. The ending letter can be C, D, G, M, P, X at first glance of unused letters. Possible for N to head the word, then we need another vowel following it. If N is in 2nd slot, then I or U will precede. What if N is in the middle? So many considerations! But with I and U (untested) as vowels left to use, it doesn’t look like many 5-letter words can be formed. A while of iffing and then… CYNIC pops up as a real possibility!

Howz ’bout that!
While early testing revealed only 2 letters of today’s mystery word, the known and likely positions of those letters, choice of vowels playable and unused letters in the rack all provided subtle hints.
You just have to look closely… and think carefully. Those hints can add up!
Thus, I was less motivated to test further at step #3, knowing that vowels I and U, plus the letter N, don’t offer many permutations. So I took the route to crack my brain by eliminating with logic and deduction.
And I was rewarded 🙂 Lol.