Just a couple of hours ago, Wordle 236 went live in this part of the world: South-east Asia.

Btw, I’m in Singapore.

And today’s puzzle marks the tenth live game for which I’ve posted my step-by-step gameplay and the thinking behind each move I had made.

I found out about Wordle very late and began playing it only at game #211! Without much ado, I started to write about how I’m doing Wordle each day.

And I will continue to do so, albeit keeping it concise from the next live puzzle onwards. Short and sharp; to the point 🙂

Mark's Wordle 236 solved in 4 moves
Wordle 236 – Feb 10th

Answer to Wordle 236: PAUSE

Number of guesses: 4

Progression of clues:

  • 0 + 2
  • 1 + 2
  • 1 + 2
  • 5

Step-by-Step Replay of Wordle 236 Puzzle

Guess #1

Was putting on some moisturizer after my shower earlier on… and had thought of CREAM as a starting word 🙂

Guess #2

Got 2 vowels showing up; probably the unknown word doesn’t contain more, I’m thinking. Anyways, will check out STALE next.

Guess #3

Immediately, ASIDE comes before my eyes! Could I have been wrong about extra vowels earlier? No harm trying that word.

Mark's gameplay for Wordle 236
Wordle 236 finished as a tight game, the result of careful play.

Guess #4

Letter A is confirmed at the second slot! So we are looking at either the _AS_E or _A_SE pattern. Can’t think of anything for the first pattern, knowing that L and T cannot slot between S and E. As for the other pattern, PAUSE seems correct; we can rule out CAUSE.

Not bad, got the solution to today’s Wordle in the usual 4 moves 🙂

And without wild guessing (or what I’ve coined “under think” lol), just careful and objective play.