Answer to Wordle 230: PLEAT
Number of guesses: 3
Progression of clues:
- 0 + 3
- 1 + 2
- 5
Step-by-Step Replay of Wordle 230 Puzzle
Guess #1
Just picking a random word to start with… SPACE feels right.
Guess #2
Neat, we got 3 letters all at the wrong places. While A doesn’t look likely as the last letter, P stands a chance. I’m thinking RETAP, but that isn’t in Wordle’s word list! Maybe it’s REMAP?
Guess #3
Ok, locked in that A; that leaves E and P to fill both 1st and 3rd squares… I’m favouring P at the front, so PLEAT is a good candidate.

Nice play there. Goes to show logical reasoning can reduce the number of guesses to unveil that hidden word of the day 🙂
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