It’s 20:12 now and I want to be first to wish readers and everyone a Happy New Year 🙂

What, you say it is not time yet? Whoever is thinking you gotta wait for the countdown to midnight or sing those Auld Lang Synes is possibly passe. C’mon, in other parts of the world, their New Year could well have already been ushered in…

Let’s not get too hung up about the timing. As they say, it’s the thought — and in this case, wishes — that counts. So, let me wish you good health, prosperity and many fulfilled dreams in 2012.

2011 has been a year of new things, like the launch of this site. And no short of challenges, big and small. I can’t say that everything I contemplated came through, but there are indeed successes worth remembering and building upon for the coming year. Rebecca, my Internet Marketing buddy, probably knows what I mean.

So, while we think about the changes we want in 2012, let’s enjoy this beautiful song from Abba. Yup, it’s called “Happy New Year“, aptly. And no, I haven’t parodied the lyrics** (though I almost wanted to give it a shot last minute).

** Updates:
Jan 1, 2012 – I got so inspired by this one word that my mind started cranking last night. Find out what it is and my WittyCulus inspiration at the footer…
Jan 7, 2012 – Creative juices were flowing good. The lyrics to the new song have been completed. You can read them on this post: “Shift To New Gear In The New Year — Post-Panda Contemplations?”.

Just listen to those meaningful lines, superbly crafted by Björn and Benny, the 2 guys of this 4-member Swedish group.

No more champagne and the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you, feeling lost and feeling blue
It’s the end of the party and the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday, now’s the time for us to say

Happy New Year, Happy New Year
May we all have a vision now and then of a world where every neighbor is a friend
Happy New Year, Happy New Year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don’t we might as well lay down and die, you and I

Sometimes I see how the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives in the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool and he thinks he’ll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay, never knowing he’s astray, keeps on going anyway

repeat Chorus

Seems to me now that the dreams we had before
Are all dead, nothing more than confetti on the floor
It’s the end of a decade, in another ten years time
Who can say what we’ll find, what lies waiting down the line in the end of eighty-nine

repeat Chorus

Song Details

Title: Happy New Year

Written by: Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus (the guys from Abba)

Recorded by: Abba

Released on: Epic, 1980

Produced by: Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus


Once it got fired, my mind just couldn’t stop thinking about those lyrics and that very one word in the first verse. Well, here’s a snippet of what’s going on in my head…

“Shift To New Gear” <-- This just in, at 12:48pm! Tentative title...

No more campaigns [Original: No more champagne <-- I got so tickled with this word 😉 ] Our Aweber plans all fell through Here we are -- subs so few What's the cause? We've got no clue
Is it lack of good traffic,
Or our rankings are too poor?
Bad sales page, not compelling?
Worthless gift?
Don’t know for sure

Shift to new gear in the new year

I’m so thrilled… this is gonna be another memorable WittyCulus song about Internet Marketing that should encourage struggling marketers to persevere. What a great start for the new year!

Note: I’ve finished writing the lyrics — creative juices just can’t be stopped 😉 Read them on this inspirational treat for Internet Marketers: “Shift To New Gear In The New Year — Post-Panda Contemplations?”.