I was having lunch today at Aston Specialities when they played this catchy Bananarama song that goes “Only you can set me free, cause I’m guilty, …” Yes, that’s the hit single “Love in the First Degree”, written and recorded by this all-girl English pop group. So talented! And gorgeous too!!

As I was enjoying the tasty pork chops with boiled broccoli and carrots, a baked potato, accompanied by an iced tea, I couldn’t help but sing along. Songs from the 80’s are so infectious and memorable, I’d say. And then a WittyCulus moment struck…

You see, my Internet Marketing buddy and I are exploring the Amazon Kindle platform as our online pursuit for 2012. We are hopeful this will be a watershed year, a time to savour the untold riches of IM success. And so began my crafting of this number… over lunch and later a double-scoop Marbleslab Creamery ice cream. Yummy 😉

Last night I was dreaming, I went over a million downloads
When I woke up I was screaming, my Kindle account was flooded
Oh, with sales and commissions, I just can’t believe my eyes (I checked it thrice)
I pinched myself, it hurt so bad
This is a dream realized

Baby, Kindle set me free
It’s the new me: filthy rich and so zippy
Come on, Kindle’ll set you free
As long as you believe success is your destiny
(Believe, success is your destiny)

One day — I believed it — winds will change, I will get that breakthrough
To end the spell of low profits, cross the chasm into plentiful
Oh, the hours had passed so slowly, stuck in research and publishing (I’m not kidding)
When will I see my book online, when will I hear ka chings?

Now Kindle really set me free
I’m the new me: filthy rich and so zesty
I know that Kindle’ll set you free
Therefore, please believe you can if you wanna be
(Believe, you can if you wanna be)

Believe you can, believe nothing else
Believe you can, believe in yourself
Believe, you can if you wanna be

With sales and commissions, feel that sparkle in your eyes (you can’t deny)
Please stay focused, keep on writing
Go get your dream realized

Just let Kindle set you free
Feel the beauty — filthy rich is so groovy
Come on, Kindle’ll set you free
As long as you believe success is your destiny

Now Kindle really set you free
You’ve achieved it — you’re filthy rich, it’s ecstasy
You knew that Kindle’ll set you free
Because you believed “You Can If You Wanna Be”

Rekindle your dream, be free
Everybody, you can if you wanna be…


This song continues to play in my head. Let’s have a go at the original, featured in the following video. Enjoy!

Song Details

Title: Love in the First Degree

Written by: Bananarama (Sarah Dallin, Siobhan Fahey, Keren Woodward); SAW (Mike Stock, Matt Aitken, Pete Waterman)

Recorded by: Bananarama

Released on: London Records, 1987

Produced by: SAW