My friend and Internet Marketing buddy, Rebecca, is building a brand new website on juicing. As she is about to leave for a planned vacation, I was urging her yesterday to go live with her site and start counting the money — as marketers, we are very much endeared to the term “Ka Ching” — rolling in.
We were texting each other and she said something about sipping coconut juice (yea, Reb’s holiday is really beckoning 😉 ) while her site “juices out money”. I chipped in with a tongue-in-cheek reply about her needing to wear a helmet sitting under a coconut tree. It was her response to this that gave me the idea for this song parody…
Rebecca’s reply went something like this: “… should a coconut drop on my head, it might give me some new ideas…” Reading that got my creative juices (hey, we are talking juicing here, right?) flowing — here’s the first verse of an unfinished song:
Note: This raw idea has now been fully developed into complete lyrics. Locate them further down…
Coconut drops on my head
Idea comes and me wanna go home
Make a new site, call it
I hear Ka Chings everywhere I roam
20th Oct update — I got some WittyCulus ideas about the chorus and other verses, so here goes the complete song… Enjoy!
Pain, oh! Pain… oh!
Coconut dropped and me head got hit
Pain, me say pain not in vain, can’t complain, sweet refrain playing in my brain
Idea comes and me wanna go home
Work all night on keyword research
Idea’s warm and let it crystallize
Make music site, call it
Nice recreation’s gonna mesmerize
Come, Google engine, tally me free traffic
Send some ready-to-clicks
Come, Google engine, tally me free traffic
Me music site’s gonna be a big hit
Write six good, seven good, eight good posts
Hungry spiders just love unique content
Six good, seven good, eight good posts
Happy spiders help me boost page rank
Pain, me say pain slow!
Coconut drop gave me pleasant surprise
Pain, me say pain not in vain, can’t complain
Idea comes and me wanna go home
Such beautiful products on promotion
Many clicks done and me gonna be rich
Hide those ugly affiliate URLs
Retain visitors or me site they’ll ditch
Write six good, seven good, eight good posts
Hungry spiders just love unique content
Six good, seven good, eight good posts
Happy spiders help me boost page rank
Pain, me say pain go!
Coconut drop sent me head a-spinning
Pain, me say pain not in vain, can’t complain
Idea comes and me wanna go home
Come on, ClickBank, tally me commissions
Idea’s done and me wanna dividend
Come on, ClickBank, tally me commissions
Great income, I’m in seventh heaven
Pain, oh? Pain… no
Coconut drop got me so inspired
Hey! That idea was so clear, knew for sure how to steer, where to go from here
Hear Ka Chings everywhere me roam
You might have guessed it — this song is sung to the tune of “Day-O”, aka “The Banana Boat Song”, that traditional Jamaican mento folk song sung by Harry Belafonte. Have a listen of the original in the video below.
Title: Day-O, also called The Banana Boat Song
Written by: Irving Burgie and William Attaway
Recorded by: Harry Belafonte
Released on: RCA Victor, 1956
Produced by: Ed Welker, Herman Diaz Jr. and Henri René