Words can sometimes show a “connection” across different languages. Here are a few of these which I made up — they should delight if you enjoy playing with words and a pinch of WittyCulus pun.
- Do you know the Malay word “dan” is a conjunction that means “and” in English? Notice the stark resemblance of both words — indeed, each is an anagram of the other!
- Ever wonder why the croissant — that crescent-shaped buttery roll — comes without filling, unlike the hot dog? Well, French words can be hard to pronounce as their sounds are not immediately obvious from the spelling, not like English.
If you can’t say “craw-song”, perhaps “kosong” is close enough? The latter word is Malay for “empty”, which is actually quite an apt description for the croissant, don’t you think?
- Now for a bit of Chinese fun. The pinyin for “
” (which means “ear”) is “er duo”. Look real close — do you see what I saw?
It might take a sharp eye to spot this: “Ear Duo”. We have two (= duo) ears, don’t we? Coincidence? Perhaps. Witty? Undoubtedly 😉
🙂 – 🙂 – 🙂 – 🙂 – 🙂
Now that you are stirred up, I thought I’d tease you with the following mathematical statement that really takes the cake: eleven + two = twelve + one.
There are two truths in that statement: one is obvious while the other is not. Can you figure it out? Do leave a comment if you think you solved it.