Happy Lunar New Year to all Wordle fans out there!
Yesterday, I decided that I should start writing about my new love: this simple yet fun word game.
Specifically, I wanted to put down the thoughts going through my mind while I attempt to solve each daily Wordle.
How Am I Doing So Far Playing Wordle?
I recently discovered Wordle by chance via Google search suggestions.
That’s like a fortnight ago, I think. So, how am I doing?
Distribution of Guesses
My game stats so far look like this…
- Games played: 17
- Fewest guesses: 3
- Most guesses: 5
- Median score: 4 guesses
But if I should be so lucky, I know I can start to grow bar 2 a bit!
For now, how do my numbers compare with Wordle players in the word puzzle community out there?
I happen to be the curious sort 🙂
A Colourful History of Past Wordles
So, here are the Wordle-grams (is there a name for those coloured grid boxes?) for the past 15 games prior to today’s. I’ve shared these on WhatsApp and Messenger to a private group, so I could screenshoot them to create a day-by-day flow.
Ah, so I started playing Wordle on Jan 16th with puzzle #211. Somehow, I had forgotten to play the very next day — could have been the midnight timing (at which time a new daily puzzle becomes available) haven’t quite sunk in lol.
Getting Serious Now with Wordle… and Having a Great Time!
I am currently at my 17th game — how I’ve guessed the word in 3 moves and the solution for Wordle 227 is now up online.
With this marking my first blog entry (technically second if we count this Wordle intro), I envisage a long affair with this addicitve word puzzle. Yup, I’m hooked on Wordle!
And I hope you will find this latest WittyCulus venture interesting, a fun daily read perhaps 🙂
Happy Wordle gaming everybody. Have a great one, each day!
Plus don’t forget to share your bold Wordle conquests on WittyCulus.com 😉
Aside: Getting Back into WordPress After a Long Break
I have not updated WittyCulus.com for a good 4 years plus!
Thus, I found myself having to migrate WordPress from Ver 4.9 to the current 5.9. That required backing up this website — good thing there is a guide provided in the WP admin pages. Not a trivial task; but not daunting either.
I know that the Gutenberg block editor debutted with the release of WordPress 5. While the concept of block editing isn’t exactly new to me, having played with some WP themes from Elegant Themes before, I’m not fully ready to use the 5.0’s editor in earnest.
So, let’s see how it goes with this post and the next few…
I’m also thinking about changing the WP theme for this site from the dated Suffusion theme to a more modern block-based one, but it does look like this (major job) could wait a bit. Phew!