Mark's Wordle 228 solved in 4 moves
Wordle 228 – Feb 2nd

Answer to Wordle 228: MOIST

Number of guesses: 4

Progression of clues:

  • 1
  • 1 + 2
  • 2 + 1
  • 5

Step-by-Step Replay of Wordle 228 Puzzle

Guess #1

Still reeling from the news that NYT has acquired Wordle… I thought I’d try BOUGH without the T, since SOLD is just 4 letters.

Guess #2

Nice, we got the vowel O at the right spot! Letters R, S, T are very common in words, so I’m going for them with a P. Notice something neat here? OP(Q)RST – these are consecutive letters from the alphabet in play, sans the Q lol.

Guess #3

Not too bad, two more letter hits albeit at wrong locations. But I haven’t used vowels A, E, I… gotta figure them in in this turn. How about LOTSA?

Guess #4

Ok, locked in that S; and no A in the mystery word. The T is either at the front or back. Let’s try MOIST.

Mark's Wordle 228 solved in 4 moves
Wordle 228 solved in 4 moves on Feb 2nd

Ha ha, that was a good one 🙂